Wednesday, December 27, 2006 2:41 PM
daddy's big small sister mopped the floor SQUEEEAAAKKKYYY clean.
and they had to return jus then.
GRRRR. almst went mad. roar.
anw, long long time nv hear the floor squeak le!! muahaha.
all i got for xmas was like 10+ kisses from the pontian mosquitoes..
zzzz. nice one.
went in on sun(xmasEVE, who would go pontian for xmas? we did. last yr too) morn.
came baq on mon nite. so we had like.. fri, mon, tue (1..2..3!) nites dinner out!! & today's lunch!
and 3 days peace tooooo!!! woooots.
tts more like xmas. =D
we are FINALLYYY gonna meet and do projs TML.
tue.. nono, wed meet... nono, THU meet. hur.
thu it shall be. tink we can combine and get it over and done wif for OM,
IF the guys finish their qn 2. *cross fingers
as for ief. hur hur..
glad 2nd is a holiday = no sch = ief rushing time.
gonna ton at some one's hse to rush finish it
and pmkt haven touch. woots la.
ANY1 has ANY plan for ANY celebration on 31st?!I WAN TO SEE FIREWORKSSSSSSS!! HUR.
Friday, December 22, 2006 11:43 AM
1612-1812 (sat-mon):CAMERON HIGHLANDS.
`day 1: pretty clouds on the way there!


`hily terrains.

`rocky terrain too!

`windy roads!!

`strawberry park resort ...

`@ hotel lobby..

`... room 111!

`everyting on the menu is strawberry XXX!!! but not as kua zhang as zz's equatorial. LOL.

`dinner wif a view.

`outside our block. woots.


`DAY 2: tts equatorial hotel i tink.

`looking over BOH tea plantation!! pretty!!

`love tis pic! :)


`at the peak!

`fav place for tis trip!

`at the tea factory I.

`at tea factory II.

`flowerrr farrmmm....

`butterfly farm~

`~scorpions.. AHH. hur.



`but not as misty as genting. haha.


`GIANT cicada in out balcony.

`the last place we went.

`strawberry farm.

`on the way home..

`shah alam stadium...
1912 (tue):SHOPPING WIF BEL.
`purply xmas @ MS! :)

`muahaha fondue @ anderson's!!


`hafta looook closely. haha.


`by belinda ang. yucks.

`by the purply xmas tree: us. :))

`another. hah.
2012 (wed):YEETH BDAY CELEBRATION.for more information, pls proceed to LOL.
anw, i mus say tequila on the rocks is.. yucks!!
but then again,
thans to it ive tasted wad it feels like to be tis..
and the bottled up tings i could let go too..
2112 (thu):was at home all dayy..
watching wonderful life and typing like wad..
2 paragraphs of the implcations of the collapse of Doha round.
and now.. the only pic for the day..

last but not least..
happy birthday my dear yeeth!!you're FINALLY 8teen! :))

`dun hav to thank us la. but u should curse balcony for seating us on first floor!! lol.
Friday, December 15, 2006 11:59 PM
finish finish!! =DD
ec was.. sleepy paper.
but good in a sense too..
anw, its OVER. mentally-taxing week man!!
results nxt.
up nxt:
cameron - till mon
shopping!! -tue
yeeth bday celebration - wed
-thu to XXX projs? =((
oh well.
for the first week like abit burnt la.
so lets jus enjoy b4 projs time.
but abit cannot, for me.
cant take the load off my mind.
tts y im considering bringing my lappie.
i can watch OM hardrock cafe video.
but dad dowan me to bring!
and im scared kena rob lehh..
oh well..
setting off at 6 tml.. oh man..
gonna slp in the car...
not veri looking forward lehh..
more of looking forward to the ride on the 'new' car.
Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:23 PM
4 down 1 to go!! woooots.oh, the previous post is mentioned celebration is from fri (after 3) to mon.
correction!! its till tue nite!! =DD
and mum jus informed me that we are leaving home on sat at 5am.
was like ..!! but well, i tink the only person who would mind is dad.
i dun mind getting out of this hse earlier.
and i cant wait for mar. =X
anw, seriously, CTs made me forget all abt the cameron trip.
last weekend bel was saying nxt sat gg cameron.
was like ?? cameron? nxt week??
but oh well, there got NOOOO shopping centre.
and dad refuse to stop at KL after tt. OH WELL.
i will go my shopping in singapore! =)
ohya, and i tink squashing (not trng) will resume nxt week.
muahaha, been ages since i played la.
but i know it will nv be the same again...
cos SOMEONE's not there. LOL.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:46 PM
OM was fine.
was breezing thru the 7 MCQs till i got to the last 3.
but found out it wasnt such a breeze after all when i came out. TSKK.
nvm, at least
3 down 2 to go!!zzz when most ppl are finishing today or tml. ROAR.nvm, we'll hav our enjoyment on fri!!
and sat, sun n mon too!!
projs starting on wed pls.. =X
ohya, daddy's gonna exchange car wif uncle. i tink our dear 406 wont last long enough till the new car comes if we torture it smore by gg Cameron Highlands wif it. HUR. =(
projs.. oh well.. not much better than CTs.. tsk!!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 2:36 PM
first word: sleepy.
ief was.. oh well.
i lost 10 marks already!! stupid APEC and CAP. ROAR.
anw.. pmkt was ok. lucky tt was the first paper.
otherwise from the mood brought forward from sun..
i tink any other paper oso die.
wahh tough day man.
bidded ah gong good bye and still needa study for a 0830 paper after tt. tskk..
totally hard.
hafta control my tears otherwise i will hafta study with my eyes close!!
anw, he reached portland at 3 ystd.
was camping online with jasmine, and added him the min he signed in. hahha.
he was showing us our room and all. and his teeth to me too. and his toilet to shi hui i tink. LOL
anw, glad he reached there safely and all.
and the cranes!! they are still in s'pore!! roar man. still say wan on the plane read. diaooo.
ok, OM tml. can slack a teeny bit today.
thou i tink tts wad im doing these few days. tsk.
sleeeppppppppppppp time.
Friday, December 01, 2006 2:37 PM

nothing much to blog abt anw.
school work and projs are mounting as usual.
the first lesson of ISP didnt help either.
nxt week gonna do experiment at orchard. suggestions pls.
thinking and thinking but not putting tings that u thot into action = zero.
but well, "god wun make u tink for nth." quoted from skye. :)
BUT, i still tink its useless jus tinking. plain useless.
dec's here. pretty quick.
tually damn fast.
it didnt seem so long when we were counting down at wz's hse.
and now its dec. mayb we can start planning for another countdown. =D
ok, i shld stop.
or i will make a detour baq to the topic on time again. LOL.

`the ribbon gal organise frm yeeth n comical. =D thans.